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The first "Anurag Singal writes from St Xavier's College ,Calcutta "

The first "Anurag Singal writes from St Xavier's College ,Calcutta "
November'2003Hitherto the Campus Buzz segment in the Careergraph of The The Telegraph was tiringly used to this just too frequently repeated caption "Anurag Singal writes from Don Bosco Liluah" heading those event reports which were published here and gave people on this side of the river Ganga a glimpse of almost anything and everything that nhad been occurring in DBL..since 1999 ...inter school fests, visits to old age homes, debates , animation camps , sport meets !!!!!!!Now this same Anurag was in St Xavier's and would surely be upto some mischief .So one fine...
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St Xavier's .the saga that never ceases to excite!

St Xavier's .the saga that never ceases to excite!
Yes St Xavier's College...the B Com(H) Dept........ St Xavier's ...a name which means different things to different people.. For some..it's the word you somehow (consciously /unconsciously) manage to utter in your conversation with that cute looking girl you've just met ...believe me ..the word brings that extra sparkle in her eye and you are enthralled...those early morning rituals didn't go down the drain!!! Almost everyone in the first year creates an email id that encompasses this buzzword Xaviers .......coolabhi_xaverian ,sunil.sxc,mez_xaverian_cooldude And everyone capitalises on the opportunity to arrange some Xavotsav passes, succumbing to...
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People I'd like to meet, places I'd like to visit

People I'd like to meet, places I'd like to visit
Strange as it may sound... .people are more prone to believing in the effect those stars and planets millions of light years away cast on you... but I think otherwise....'beg to differ' in the conventional parlance....for me my life, my beliefs and the sum total of my achievements have been subject to this "People Effect"....the rub-off effect of the people I've been lucky enough to meet in my life....the values they've instilled into me and the vision they've imparted to me.Equally profound has been the impact places around have cast on me........not just Vaastu...
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