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My first GMCS session of the age 30s [ Calcutta Mansion.18.10.2014 ]

My first GMCS session of the age 30s [ Calcutta Mansion.18.10.2014 ]
A riot of laughter, truckload  of concepts and some management gyaan - Normal Distribution and Bell Curve, Porter's 5 forces, Moral Hazard, BCG Matri, Sustainable Competitive Advantage etc. The batch was awesomely participative and quite tolerant towards my idiosyncrasy . Had a great day !! ...
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Especially For You ...On Your 24th Birthday BY Abhi

Especially For You ...On Your 24th Birthday BY Abhi
Dt 16.09.2008 ("Especially For You ...On Your 24th Birthday") Read this with a Smile.. as big as river Nile..It is your birthday card.. Hi..well it was long pending.. i don't know whether i would b able to do justice to wt i feel able 'us'.. finally managed to muster up and gt over the apprehension i have been having which stopped me frm saying i hv felt like saying then.. well without ending up sounding cliched.. let me tel you.. u r one f kind.. u r actualy hw people are to u..fr...
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