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Harsha Bhogle 's Inspirational speech at IIM Ahmedabad

Harsha Bhogle 's Inspirational speech at IIM  Ahmedabad
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A contrarian thought

A contrarian thought
I had a viewpoint to share how everyone is jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon.  Everyone wants to susbtitute the Indian retailer through online deals ; even ABG is gearing up big time for that. But then in the long run, will it be good for India? Do we want a few websites to susbstitute the source of livelihood for millions of Indian retailers and convert them into courier boys why dont we have startups which can help Indian retailers spruce up their operations, be it inventory planning/rationalisation or customer engagement or IT systems...
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An entrepreneur’s skirmishes on the marketing turf!!

An entrepreneur’s skirmishes on the marketing turf!!
“Dear Sir/Madam Greetings of the Day!! Trust you are doing well. Recruiting the right finance professionals can be one of the most challenging, yet equally rewarding aspects of the company's human capital leaders. This realization was the precursor to the launch of Yet, you will appreciate that the entrepreneurial journey is beset with suo-moto approaching people in the remote hope that 5% of them might have an unfulfilled need which your product can offer. Hence please pardon me for my unsolicited mails I am a student @ IIMA and have a startup...
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Re-engineer yourself brick by brick

Re-engineer yourself brick by brick
My 1 year journey (PGPX @IIMA) has just come to an end and eyes turn misty as I brace myself to hand over the keys of MSH 901 to the facilities office and just move on with life. So what has been the NPV and IRR of this journey, asks the Chartered Accountant in me who had hirtherto been an EV/EBITDA and Free Cash Flow to Equity cruncher to the house of Tatas and Birlas These red bricks have implanted dreams in the eyes of thousands, both the ones who made it to...
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Panelist @ National Integrity & Unity: Eloquence Club, IIMA

Panelist @ National Integrity & Unity: Eloquence Club, IIMA
On the auspicious occasion of our great Iron Man - Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel's 139th birth anniversary, being commemorated as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas or National Unity Day As part of a 3 member panel, moderated by Aditya, we touched upon the following w.r.t. National Integrity & Unity Panelists:                     Anurag Singal (PGPX) Prathamesh Chaudhari (PGP2) Ratnendu Ray (PGP1) Themes that were explored during the discussion: Given the diversity and heterogeneity of India, is India really united? What can we learn from our past about India’s unity and diversity? Are politicians dividing the country...
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Halloween party at IIM A - "Trick or Treat"

Just have a look at the kids. Super  blowing their trumpets if you dare refuse them their gfun. Threating to deafen your ears byoodeis for the evening Evolving from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain, modern Halloween has become less about literal ghosts and ghouls and more about costumes and candy. The Celts used the day to mark the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, and also believed that this transition between the seasons was a bridge to the world of the dead.  Over the millennia the holiday transitioned...
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Inspired Leadership through Personal Mastery - DVR Sir

Inspired Leadership through Personal Mastery - DVR Sir
There are some sessions where you simply lose track of time and move to an altogether different pedestal. These are some sessions which leave behind those technical sessions miles behind. It here that you start introspecting into the purpose of your life and deriving meaning in all the chaos around you.  He has been travelling tirelessly since days. Was on a flight en route to Sharjah even on Diwali. Took 2 days of sessions at Sharjah and then two days at Udaipur and then 261 km by road to Ahmedabad.Its around 10 PM...
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Sonam Goyal IMS :)

Sonam Goyal IMS :)
They say the best things in life just happen to you...its all RANDOM !!! Its even hard to believe that there existed a time when I had just scribbled her number onto a diary with exactly this blog title "Sonam Goyal IMS", never expecting to meet her again in my life. Of course I used to wait the entire week for those 4 hours on Sunday when I could watch the gracious lady listen to my tiring tax lectures patiently . But honestly speaking , these tuition classes are all hale and hearty...
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My first GMCS session of the age 30s [ Calcutta Mansion.18.10.2014 ]

My first GMCS session of the age 30s [ Calcutta Mansion.18.10.2014 ]
A riot of laughter, truckload  of concepts and some management gyaan - Normal Distribution and Bell Curve, Porter's 5 forces, Moral Hazard, BCG Matri, Sustainable Competitive Advantage etc. The batch was awesomely participative and quite tolerant towards my idiosyncrasy . Had a great day !! ...
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