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Happy Teachers Day

Happy Teachers Day
The earliest memories of this awesome day are when a bottle of Pepsi, 4 toffees and an exciting fancy dress competition awaited us at KG-C at DBL -  Mam Starry !!!! The DBL journey brought icons such as Ms Ann (singing classes), Mrs Kaur, Samita Guha, Mam Rupasree, Joe Pathickal, Fr Dominic and Sir Thomas Dias profoundly impacting our lives. Later our world expanded and the word "teacher" encompassed those from St Xavier's, Prof Hanif, Madam Saswati and an entire galaxy of super professors....they made the transition from Science to Commerce so easy...
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A 'once in a lifetime' boss

A 'once in a lifetime' boss
Today I put a a semi-colon (or probably a full stop) to this beautiful chapter of my life called Essel Mining. Its been a monumental journey, a peek into the exciting world of excavators and dumpers, explosives and haul roads. It has been an equally insightful encounter with a sublime level of corporate politics, where I know I at least score 5/10. (my Haryanvi tone snatches me the other 5 points) From being a back-office financial analyst in my erstwhile role, I could grow into someone who even had a voice before CEOs and...
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Oh Calcutta !!

Oh Calcutta !!
'To be or not to be with you; that is the question' For the last five and a half years, I have been battling this question day in and out; to stay in Calcutta alias Kolkata or leave the city. And its not just me, but dozens of seniors, juniors and contemporaries who keep facing this dilemma. I go to these GMCS classes at ICAI, counselling young and energetic Chartered Accountants on the career path that they should adopt. You show them how the CA degree can give you a global career with...
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